Having a day of rest

12 Nov

Ever since the restaurant had opened, I’d had to work every single day.  I don’t mind the money but not having a day off does take a toll on my sanity.  Finally a hire that actually lasted, the guy that we had hired failed to show any talent and was therefore fired & only thanks to a new hire that has plenty of experience and is able to do shit that I can have some days off.  I’ve been so exhausted since the opening and it shows, I haven’t had the time to work-out or much less do anything that would present leisure enjoyment.

Aside from having some time to myself, the restaurant wasn’t extremely busy and I didn’t have any of my regulars come in.  Needless to say it was one of those not so interesting days.

This sucks and I’m quite exhausted.  Also Skyrim, and other video game releases, I actually can say I have some time to play these.  YES! FINALLY.


Your waiter today.

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